Magnum Drill & Tap Set #SP-18TD
The Magnum Drill & Tap Set #SP-18TD from Welders Supply is a handy, well-organized and complete drill tip and tap set. It’s designed with the welder in mind! The durable metal case is going to last a long time, providing you with an easy-to-carry and use selection of just what you need. The selection of nine drill bits and extensive tap size selection will meet almost all of your needs.When you’re working hard and fast, you want everything close by where you can easily reach it and easily find it. You’ll be able to stay right at your workstation, making welds and making money. The Magnum Drill & Tap Set #SP-18TD from Welders Supply is just what you want to be organized and effective at all times. It’s cost effective and profit-producing! Order it today from the welding experts at Welders Supply. Shop with us regularly fr the finest prices on the best welding products and supplies for welding professionals.
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Description of Sizes |
Drill Sizes | #36, 29, 25, 21, 7, F, 5/16, U, & 27/64 |
Tap Sizes | 6-32, 8-32, 10-24, 10-32, 1/4-20, 7, 5/16-18, 3/8-16, 7/16-14, & 1/2-13 |